1. The Community Gardens area is open from 7am to dusk, year-round.
  2. No illegal plants, trees, cacti, castor beans (or other poisonous plants) may be planted.
  3. Diseased and pest-ridden plants must be removed from the site or placed in trashcans to prevent spreading.
  4. Smoking and chewing tobacco is prohibited. Tobacco carries the mosaic virus which is deadly to some plants.
  5. No permanent structures may be placed on the plot. Temporary structures should not shade a neighbor’s plot without the approval of that neighbor.
  6. Organic nutrients and pest controls are encouraged for use in the garden. When in doubt about a product or method, check with the Burlington County Master Gardener Helpline (609-265-5050), Community Gardens Coordinator, or a fellow gardener.
  7. Gardeners are responsible for bringing their own tools, hoses, and other gardening materials to the site. Some “community” tools/equipment may be provided, but gardeners should not rely on their availability.
  8. The use of chemically treated wood (i.e. wolmanized wood) is not allowed. These products contain arsenic, hexavalent chromium and other toxic substances, which may leach into the soil.
  9. Tools should be used only for the purpose for which they were intended. “Community” tools should be returned clean to their proper place.
  10. IF a community shed is placed on either site, it is for tool storage only. Pesticides and chemicals of any kind are not allowed to be stored in the community shed. The Township is not responsible for lost or stolen tools that are kept in the shed or in the garden plots.
  11. Gardeners must be present on-site when watering their plots. Unattended watering is not allowed. Gardeners using sprinklers or hoses should take into account wind and temperatures to ensure as little waste as possible.
  12. Do not leave tools unattended in walking areas.
  13. Pets must be restrained on leashes at all times.
  14. Each gardener is responsible for disposal of trash. Do not place any trash in common areas or roadways. If composting areas are designed, only organic, compostable material is to be placed in the composting area.
  15. No alcohol or illegal substances may be consumed on the entire site.
  16. No gardener may: a. Use a sign or name referencing for-profit sale of produce or flowers in either garden.
  17. This is a community garden. Other gardeners are our neighbors. Any disagreements should be resolved using pleasant language and a reasonable problem solving approach. There shall be no harassment, threats, verbal abuse or acts of violence by any person against any other person. Such acts should be reported to the Community Gardens Coordinator. If necessary, proper authorities will be called. Any person committing such acts may be asked to forfeit his/her gardening plot(s).
  18. Corn should not be planted as it increases the risk of potential garden pests and casts shadows on neighboring plots.
  19. At the end of the season, gardeners are responsible for removing all personal items and preparing their plot for the winter.
  20. If gardener has been in compliance during the season, that gardener will be offered the use of the same plot the following year.


Plot maintenance is defined as regular attention to and removal of weeds, grasses and other invasive plants and regular harvesting.

  1. When a garden is out of compliance, the Community Gardens Coordinator will flag the garden and send written notice to the address on file to bring it into compliance within 14 days. Non-compliance will result in forfeiture.
  2. A garden will be considered as abandoned based on the following: a. No evidence of plot maintenance in the preceding 30 days; and b. Telephone is disconnected or calls are not returned within 7 days; and c. E-mail is not answered within a 7 day period, or U.S. Mail directed to the address on file is not answered within 14 days of mailing.
  1. The Community Gardens area is open from 7am to dusk, year-round.
  2. No illegal plants, trees, cacti, castor beans (or other poisonous plants) may be planted.
  3. Diseased and pest-ridden plants must be removed from the site or placed in trashcans to prevent spreading.
  4. Smoking and chewing tobacco is prohibited. Tobacco carries the mosaic virus which is deadly to some plants.
  5. No permanent structures may be placed on the plot. Temporary structures should not shade a neighbor’s plot without the approval of that neighbor.
  6. Organic nutrients and pest controls are encouraged for use in the garden. When in doubt about a product or method, check with the Burlington County Master Gardener Helpline (609-265-5050), Community Gardens Coordinator, or a fellow gardener.
  7. Gardeners are responsible for bringing their own tools, hoses, and other gardening materials to the site. Some “community” tools/equipment may be provided, but gardeners should not rely on their availability.
  8. The use of chemically treated wood (i.e. wolmanized wood) is not allowed. These products contain arsenic, hexavalent chromium and other toxic substances, which may leach into the soil.
  9. Tools should be used only for the purpose for which they were intended. “Community” tools should be returned clean to their proper place.
  10. IF a community shed is placed on either site, it is for tool storage only. Pesticides and chemicals of any kind are not allowed to be stored in the community shed. The Township is not responsible for lost or stolen tools that are kept in the shed or in the garden plots.
  11. Gardeners must be present on-site when watering their plots. Unattended watering is not allowed. Gardeners using sprinklers or hoses should take into account wind and temperatures to ensure as little waste as possible.
  12. Do not leave tools unattended in walking areas.
  13. Pets must be restrained on leashes at all times.
  14. Each gardener is responsible for disposal of trash. Do not place any trash in common areas or roadways. If composting areas are designed, only organic, compostable material is to be placed in the composting area.
  15. No alcohol or illegal substances may be consumed on the entire site.
  16. No gardener may: a. Use a sign or name referencing for-profit sale of produce or flowers in either garden.
  17. This is a community garden. Other gardeners are our neighbors. Any disagreements should be resolved using pleasant language and a reasonable problem solving approach. There shall be no harassment, threats, verbal abuse or acts of violence by any person against any other person. Such acts should be reported to the Community Gardens Coordinator. If necessary, proper authorities will be called. Any person committing such acts may be asked to forfeit his/her gardening plot(s).
  18. Corn should not be planted as it increases the risk of potential garden pests and casts shadows on neighboring plots.
  19. At the end of the season, gardeners are responsible for removing all personal items and preparing their plot for the winter.
  20. If gardener has been in compliance during the season, that gardener will be offered the use of the same plot the following year.


Plot maintenance is defined as regular attention to and removal of weeds, grasses and other invasive plants and regular harvesting.

  1. When a garden is out of compliance, the Community Gardens Coordinator will flag the garden and send written notice to the address on file to bring it into compliance within 14 days. Non-compliance will result in forfeiture.
  2. A garden will be considered as abandoned based on the following: a. No evidence of plot maintenance in the preceding 30 days; and b. Telephone is disconnected or calls are not returned within 7 days; and c. E-mail is not answered within a 7 day period, or U.S. Mail directed to the address on file is not answered within 14 days of mailing.