The Florence Township Municipal Alliance serves as a municipally run organization committed to supporting prevention and awareness about the dangers of substance abuse.


The Florence Township Municipal Alliance works closely with the Florence Township School District and Florence Township Police Department to aid in promoting initiatives to educate our youth.  The Municipal Alliance provides collateral materials as well as assists in funding for speakers and demonstrations to be provided during the school year.  Information tables have been placed at community events and activities.


Florence Township is a part of a County/State program called GCADA (Governors Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse).  GCADA was established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:2BB from which the Council executes three core functions: prevention planning; public awareness and education; and, the administration of the Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program.

The Council is an active and collaborative participant in the planning and coordination of New Jersey’s addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services, both through the development of a Comprehensive State Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Master Plan, and its Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program, the largest network of community-based anti-drug coalitions in the nation.

During this time of heightened public awareness, the Council is positively positioned to raise awareness and provide education about alcoholism and drug abuse through use of community partnerships, public awareness campaigns, technical assistance, and collaboration with state agencies and stakeholders.

The GCADA’s overarching strategic vision is a future characterized by safe and healthy families and communities.

GCADA and our Burlington County colleagues monitor activity between municipalities and determine specific annual funding scaled to support local efforts.


The membership of the Florence Township Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse includes representatives from local government, education, business, non-profits and citizen representatives.


The Florence Township Municipal Alliance serves as a municipally run organization committed to supporting prevention and awareness about the dangers of substance abuse.


The Florence Township Municipal Alliance works closely with the Florence Township School District and Florence Township Police Department to aid in promoting initiatives to educate our youth.  The Municipal Alliance provides collateral materials as well as assists in funding for speakers and demonstrations to be provided during the school year.  Information tables have been placed at community events and activities.


Florence Township is a part of a County/State program called GCADA (Governors Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse).  GCADA was established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:2BB from which the Council executes three core functions: prevention planning; public awareness and education; and, the administration of the Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program.

The Council is an active and collaborative participant in the planning and coordination of New Jersey’s addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services, both through the development of a Comprehensive State Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Master Plan, and its Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program, the largest network of community-based anti-drug coalitions in the nation.

During this time of heightened public awareness, the Council is positively positioned to raise awareness and provide education about alcoholism and drug abuse through use of community partnerships, public awareness campaigns, technical assistance, and collaboration with state agencies and stakeholders.

The GCADA’s overarching strategic vision is a future characterized by safe and healthy families and communities.

GCADA and our Burlington County colleagues monitor activity between municipalities and determine specific annual funding scaled to support local efforts.


The membership of the Florence Township Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse includes representatives from local government, education, business, non-profits and citizen representatives.