711 Broad Street, Florence, New Jersey 08518
(609) 499-2525 Fax: (609) 499-1186

The Florence Township Planning Board meets in the Municipal Complex at 711 Broad Street. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Main Conference Room of the Municipal Complex. The Board has a full-time clerk and several appointed professionals. The Planning Board is responsible for the Township’s Master Plan and controls the development and use of land within the Township in accordance with the Master Plan. This includes the selection of land for recreation, open space, residential and business development. The board determines the use of our unimproved land for now and in the future.

Planning Board Agendas and Minutes

Preliminary Investigation for Determination of Area in Need of Redevelopment
U.S. Route 130 Corridor

Master Plan Documents

Zoning Map 

Planning Board Meeting Guidelines


Name Title Class Term Exp
John Pagano Chairman Class IV 12/31/26
Newell Kehr Member Class IV 12/31/25
John Fratinardo Secretary Class III / Council Rep 12/31/25
Kristan Marter Mayor Class I 12/31/27
Fred Gabriele Member Class IV 12/31/27
Bernard Isaacson Member Class II 12/31/25
Carl Mattson Vice Chairman 12/31/28
Kecia Taylor Alternate #1 Class IV 12/31/25
VACANT Alternate #2 12/31/26
Robert Johnson Alternate #2 Class IV 12/31/26
David C. Frank, Esquire Board Solicitor
Hugh J. Dougherty, P.E. Board Engineer
Taylor Design Group Board Planner
Anne-Marie Hellmann Clerk of the Board

711 Broad Street, Florence, New Jersey 08518
(609) 499-2525 Fax: (609) 499-1186

The Florence Township Planning Board meets in the Municipal Complex at 711 Broad Street. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Main Conference Room of the Municipal Complex. The Board has a full-time clerk and several appointed professionals. The Planning Board is responsible for the Township’s Master Plan and controls the development and use of land within the Township in accordance with the Master Plan. This includes the selection of land for recreation, open space, residential and business development. The board determines the use of our unimproved land for now and in the future.

Planning Board Agendas and Minutes

Preliminary Investigation for Determination of Area in Need of Redevelopment
U.S. Route 130 Corridor

Master Plan Documents

Zoning Map 

Planning Board Meeting Guidelines


Name Title Class Term Exp
John Pagano Chairman Class IV 12/31/26
Newell Kehr Member Class IV 12/31/25
John Fratinardo Secretary Class III / Council Rep 12/31/25
Kristan Marter Mayor Class I 12/31/27
Fred Gabriele Member Class IV 12/31/27
Bernard Isaacson Member Class II 12/31/25
Carl Mattson Vice Chairman 12/31/28
Kecia Taylor Alternate #1 Class IV 12/31/25
VACANT Alternate #2 12/31/26
Robert Johnson Alternate #2 Class IV 12/31/26
David C. Frank, Esquire Board Solicitor
Hugh J. Dougherty, P.E. Board Engineer
Taylor Design Group Board Planner
Anne-Marie Hellmann Clerk of the Board