The Detective Bureau consists of three Detectives. The unit is commanded by the Administrative Bureau Lieutenant.

The Bureau provides comprehensive investigation services for the citizens of Florence Township. It is the responsibility of the Bureau to conduct both the pro-active and re-active investigations of crimes against both persons and property. Some of our primary functions are to identify and apprehend criminal offenders. Detectives assigned to the Bureau handle a variety of complex in-depth investigations, including but not limited to suspicious deaths, missing persons, sexual assaults, burglaries, financial crimes, computer crimes, fraud, robberies and narcotic related offenses.

Some of the primary duties of the Detective Bureau are locating and interviewing victims and witnesses; locating, identifying and preserving physical evidence; recovering stolen property; identifying, locating, interviewing and arresting criminal suspects; and presenting criminal cases to the County Prosecutor for criminal prosecution.

Some of the additional responsibilities of the Bureau include crime scene processing and evidence collection, evidence management, Megan’s Law registration, background investigations of new police employees as well as firearms applicants, investigations related to Alcoholic Beverage Control, fire investigations, asset forfeiture, Gang Task Force coordination, and intelligence gathering.


Bureau Commander
Lieutenant Nicholas Czepiel Ext. 142
Detective Sergeant Nicole Bonilla Ext. 134
Detective Ryan Miller Ext. 129
Detective Matthew Nagle Ext 158

The Detective Bureau consists of three Detectives. The unit is commanded by the Administrative Bureau Lieutenant.

The Bureau provides comprehensive investigation services for the citizens of Florence Township. It is the responsibility of the Bureau to conduct both the pro-active and re-active investigations of crimes against both persons and property. Some of our primary functions are to identify and apprehend criminal offenders. Detectives assigned to the Bureau handle a variety of complex in-depth investigations, including but not limited to suspicious deaths, missing persons, sexual assaults, burglaries, financial crimes, computer crimes, fraud, robberies and narcotic related offenses.

Some of the primary duties of the Detective Bureau are locating and interviewing victims and witnesses; locating, identifying and preserving physical evidence; recovering stolen property; identifying, locating, interviewing and arresting criminal suspects; and presenting criminal cases to the County Prosecutor for criminal prosecution.

Some of the additional responsibilities of the Bureau include crime scene processing and evidence collection, evidence management, Megan’s Law registration, background investigations of new police employees as well as firearms applicants, investigations related to Alcoholic Beverage Control, fire investigations, asset forfeiture, Gang Task Force coordination, and intelligence gathering.


Bureau Commander
Lieutenant Nicholas Czepiel Ext. 142
Detective Sergeant Nicole Bonilla Ext. 134
Detective Ryan Miller Ext. 129
Detective Matthew Nagle Ext 158