Spotted Lantern Fly Stages Municipalities

Spotted Lantern Fly

Several residents inquire about the Spotted Lantern Fly and how to identify them and what the egg masses look like on trees.  The following Powerpoint PDF identifies the different stages of the lantern fly along with how the eggs appear on trees.  This information was provided by the Rutgers Master Gardener Program of Burlington County.  Spotted Lantern Flies are an invasive species that causes long term damage to crops, plants and tree life.  It is encouraged by the Department of Agriculture, Rutgers University and others to kill lantern flies if located at any stage.

Click here to see the presentation PDF. 



Spotted Lantern Fly Stages Municipalities

Spotted Lantern Fly

Several residents inquire about the Spotted Lantern Fly and how to identify them and what the egg masses look like on trees.  The following Powerpoint PDF identifies the different stages of the lantern fly along with how the eggs appear on trees.  This information was provided by the Rutgers Master Gardener Program of Burlington County.  Spotted Lantern Flies are an invasive species that causes long term damage to crops, plants and tree life.  It is encouraged by the Department of Agriculture, Rutgers University and others to kill lantern flies if located at any stage.

Click here to see the presentation PDF.